Tuesday 24 February 2015

Travelling to Brisbane

Our flight was about an hour late leaving Christchurch but they did make up some time so we arrived at Brisbane shortly after 5:00 pm local time. An uneventful flight but not overly impressed with Air New Zealand. Probably the least legroom I have ever experienced and you have to pay for everything except water on a 3.5 hour flight.

Arrival in Australia was easy. About a five minute wait in customs and immigration. We decided to take the train downtown to our hotel.

It turned out to be a good choice as the station was less than a block away. We were very pleased with our hotel/apartment. This is one of the smaller units in the building but fully equipped with a kitchen, living room and bedroom and right in the heart of downtown.

Oh, oh, no wine in the fridge....

We were a bit tired because of the three hour time zone shift but managed to muster some energy to walk several blocks to the Queen St mall area where we found an outdoor cafe with a cold beer and wine and some good food. After supper we took a short walk about marvelling at how vibrant the city is.

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