Wednesday 8 April 2015

Boating in Gosford

We checked out of the Radisson at around 8:00 am and walked for about twenty minutes to pick up our rental car. Quite an experience driving in the CBS of Sydney during morning rush hour....

We managed to get to the Bridge and the motorway heading north. After a short distance, the expressway turned into a four lane road winding its way through the suburbs. After about an hour, we were again on a proper expressway and made our way to Gosford to meet up with Jack, a good friend of Jim & Sharon from Sonoma.

After lunch, we headed down to the Gosford Yacht Club to go on a cruise around Brisbane Water, a fairly large bay connected to the Hawkesbury River.

Jack has an interesting double ended power boat, very seaworthy and diesel powered. Great for puttering around this body of water.

We went out for about a three hour cruise until the big waves at the mouth of the Hawkesbury River forced us to turn around.

We found out the secret of how a small yacht club can have such nice facilities, financed by the Pokie machines!

After the boating adventure we returned to Jack's place and enjoyed talking with Norma, his 92 year old mother and a race horse enthusiast. Some nice wine and food and we were ready for bed.

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