Friday 3 April 2015

Hobart to Wineglass Bay

In Canada, we get weather warnings for lake effect snow, frost warnings for gardeners, gale warnings for sailors etc. Here is a Tasmanian weather warning for the weather bureau...

"Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology


Warning to Sheep Graziers
for the King Island, North West Coast, Midlands, Central North, Upper Derwent
Valley, South East, Furneaux Islands, East Coast and North East forecast

Issued at 4:51 pm EDT on Wednesday 1 April 2015.

Sheep Graziers are warned that cold temperatures, showers and strong southerly
winds are expected during Thursday. Areas likely to be affected include the
Midlands, Central North, South East and North West Coast forecast districts and
parts of the Upper Derwent Valley, King Island, Furneaux Islands, East Coast
and North East forecast districts. There is a high risk of losses of lambs and
sheep exposed to these conditions.

The next warning will be issued by 11:00 pm EDT Wednesday."

Time to get out the jeans, sweatshirts and rain jackets today with rain, hail and high winds in the forecast for this morning with a high temperature of 14C.

We only had a two hour trip to Swansea so we were looking for something to do that did not involve the outdoors. We had heard about an "edgy" art gallery called MONA, just outside of Hobart. We decided to visit. MONA stands for the "Museum of Old and New Art" which owner David Walsh describes as a subversive adult Disneyland. The $75M installation is arrayed across three underground levels concealed inside a sheer rock face. It includes the gallery, a winery, a cellar door, a brewery, two restaurants a luxury hotel and a catamaran shuttle service to the city. The owner is a millionaire Tasmanian professional gambler. For more background on him and the gallery, check out  

You will get a good flavour of the gallery there.

Really hard for me to describe the exhibits. Read the article in the link and check out the photos below. An interesting experience.

The entrance...

Some exhibits....

We ended up in the cellar door tasting some of the wine. Our server enquired where we were from and it ended up that her partner was from Chippewa! The winemaker was from Niagara-on-the-Lake!

It was still raining interspersed with sunny periods as we drove to Swansea. The ocean was a little angry today....

We checked into our B&B and kicked back before heading to one of the few places to eat in town, a nice pub.

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