Thursday 9 April 2015

Leaving Australia

This morning, Jack took on a driving tour of the nearby beaches. First we stopped at Terrigal Beach for an overlook of the shoreline then on to Avoca Beach. Again, some beautiful rugged shoreline interspersed with nice sandy beaches.

After our experience in driving through Sydney, we allowed ourselves lots of time for the 100 km drive back to the Airport. This time the GPS routed us through the tunnel under Sydney Harbour, a much faster route through the city. We dropped the car off and were at the airport in lots of time for our 5:40 pm flight to LA & Phoenix.

The Qantas 747 was a much better flight than the Air New Zealand flight we took from San Francisco to Auckland. Good food and service and reasonable seat width and leg loom. We managed to get some sleep on the 13 hour flight before arriving in LA at 2:20 pm (on the same day as we left). We had a 2 hour change over to our flight to Phoenix which included a trip through Customs and Immigration. We got to the gate just as the Phoenix flight was boarding for the short 50 minute flight.

Brian and Linda were there to pick us up at 5:50 pm and we had a nice evening at their house as we wound down from travelling.

We will be spending several days here relaxing and will be arriving home next Wednesday.

This will be the last blog entry for this trip. I have enjoyed reliving each day's activities as I write it and it has forced me to cull the multitude of photos on a daily basis, hopefully reducing that task once I get home.

For those of you who have been following this blog, I have a little guessing contest for you. A prize of a bottle of new Zealand or Australian wine for the closest guess to each the following....

  • The number of different beds we have slept in since leaving Niagara-on-the-Lake in January
  • Distance driven in NZ and Australia
  • Number of camera shutter operations
Either leave a comment on the blog or send me an e-mail with your answers.

1 comment:

  1. A truly great trip and an extremely enjoyable blog.

    If you had only a week or two weeks to spend somewhere along your route, what would your top three let's-go-back places be?

    (I will guess 85 beds).
