Saturday 14 March 2015


Well, another day with cyclone Nathan sitting off the coast bringing frequent downpours interspersed with humid cloudy periods. We spent some time early this morning doing some research for the next leg of the journey and booking accommodation in Borassa Valley, Adelaide and McLaren Vale.

The rain let up and we drove to Cairns Botanical Gardens, just on the outskirts of the city.

The gardens are very tropical and provided the opportunity to get some great flora photos.

Well, it started to pour again. Some more funny Asian tourist photos....

We were lured into taking a bit of a hike into the adjacent Mt. Whithead Conservation Park. Apparently there are Cassowaries here and the warning sign gave Chris some pause on continuing. I had my small "Crocodile Dundee" tactical knife with me and I assured her she would be safe. Read the warning carefully.... these are frigging big birds the size of an emu that will disembowel you with their beaks and talons....

The only critter we saw was a White Tailed Wallaby.

As we reached an overlook of Cairns, it really started to rain and I had to put the Nikon in the camera bag and deploy the waterproof camera bag condom.

We hiked back down to the Gardens and by this time the rain had stopped so we did the boardwalk trail through the rainforest. Crocodile warnings and more trepidation. After seeing some other folks exit the boardwalk, we figured it would be OK.

We were a bit wet by this time and sat in the air conditioned car looking for other options. Chris found a drive to Lake Morris. It ended up being a switchback road drive for 20 km to a reservoir overlooking Cairns.

Other than the fallen trees on the road, it was an interesting trip. We ended up at a reservoir that is also the headpond for a hydroelectric plant.

The weather wasn't improving so we decided to head back to the apartment to chill out (and watch qualifying for the Australian Grand Prix). I'm working on a plan to turn the Nissan into an ark but not sure which critters to take.

We watched the megabats depart for their evening forage again then had another BBQ supper at the apartment.

Tomorrow we are going to Kuranda and the weather is supposed to be 33C and sunny. Lets hope so....

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