Sunday 29 March 2015

Travel to Tasmania

It was an early morning start as we had to leave for the airport at 6:00 am. It was Sunday so traffic was very light and we got there in about 40 minutes and dropped the rental car off without problem. The Melbourne Airport was very easy to navigate and we were at our gate with lots of time to have a breakfast at Hudson's, the Australian Starbucks.

Virgin Australia were much easier to deal with than Jetstar with respect to carry on luggage and we had no problem boarding for the 45 minute flight to Tasmania. We landed at Launceston and quickly had our luggage in hand and were heading to our rental car. Again we got an upgrade and are driving a Camry Hybrid for the price of a compact.

Our destination for the next couple of days was the National Park at Cradle Mountain. Our welcome to Tasmania.....

It started out sunny but as we approached the mountains, it got overcast. We stopped at the Alum Cliffs near Mole Creek for a short walk to an overlook of some bluffs and a river gorge.

After this, the weather continued to become more overcast with occasional sprinkles of rain. We had two critter sightings, a wombat and a kookaburra. Unfortunately, the camera was not handy as we were driving.

By the time we got to Cradle Mountain it had deteriorated to continuous rain so that put an end to any outdoor activities for the remainder of the day.

We are staying at a nice lodge just outside of the National Park. We spent an hour or so trying to figure out the cricket final which was on the television. Just don't get it. six hours later, it is still on the TV.

We had a nice supper at the lodge and are hoping for a break in the weather for tomorrow so we can do some hiking in the park.

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